If you have found yourself on this page, I'm assuming you are considering placenta encapsulation. I’m sure you’ve come here looking for the answer to the question: Why should I encapsulate my placenta? What are the benefits?
The truth is, companies aren’t going to benefit financially from women consuming their placenta. Therefore, research on this topic is lacking. When it comes to placenta consumption, nothing is evidence-based. Most of the information we have is anecdotal. For many women, the decision to encapsulate is based on trust in other women's experiences and their intuition. Many women who choose to encapsulate do so because of a deep knowing. An intuitive feeling. A sense of connection to our ancestors who treated placenta consumption as common practice.
Below I’ve listed what little research we do have on placenta consumption. I encourage you to do your own research on the topic and decide for yourself if encapsulation is for you!
Placenta capsules are shown to contain:
-Hormones (i.e., progesterone and estradiol)
-Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
-Trace elements (i.e., iron, zinc.)
-Immunoglobulin G
-B Vitamins (B6, B12)
Anecdotal benefits:
-Stimulate breast milk supply
-Increase energy
-Decrease in PPD/anxiety
-Shorten postpartum bleeding
-Thyroid regulation
-Strengthen the immune system
The raw method of encapsulation will be used by Brittany Cali Doula Services LLC. The raw placenta is dehydrated and then encapsulated into size 00 capsules for immediate consumption. The number of capsules will differ depending on the size of the placenta. Placenta tinctures are also offered as an add-on service. A thumbnail size piece of your placenta will be tinctured for 6 weeks.
Placenta Encapsulation- $350
Tincture (Add on)- $50
Delivery within 30-40 mile radius- $50
Free in-person delivery under 30 miles